Monday, November 5, 2012

Where to go from here

Well, it's been over a week since I ran in the Marine Corps.   Now that my training has concluded and my marathon is over, where do I go from here?  Do I continue my blog and if so, what do I write about?  Well, just because training is over doesn't mean I'm done with running.  I look forward to writing more about running, health, and exercise in general; all things that are important to me.  I also plan to sign up for future half marathons...and crossing my fingers I get into the lottery for the inaugural Nike Women's Half Marathon in DC on April 28, 2012 and am anxiously awaiting registration to open!   I will definitely have posts that are related to half marathon training.  Since running the marathon, I've been inspired to keep up my fitness and think signing up for more races will help me keep that goal.   

I went out for my first post-marathon jog on Saturday morning.  We are in the process of moving and I knew I'd be on my feet all day Saturday, but I had to get out there as it would  be the last time I'd run on part of the Rock Creek trail that was essentially steps away from our house.   I have so many memories on this trail - training for Cherry Blossom 10-milers, frustrations with back pain, many long runs most recently including our 16-miler for marathon training, long walks with Brad and our puppy, and just a lot of good times related to running and happiness.  As I was wrapping up my ever-so-slow 2 mile run, an older man started casually talking to me about his hamstring injury and before you know it one thing led to another and  we were both talking about our marathon experiences.  Turns out he had run the MCM the past 2 years and we were so excited as we exchanged stories on our experiences.

As I wrapped up my conversation and finished up my run for the last time on this part of the trail, I got nostalgic thinking about how much I'll miss it.  Yes, where we moved has trails (more like bike trails), but there's something to be said about the Rock Creek Trail that takes you into the city as you're surrounded by other runners who are also training for a race, and sharing the same interests as you.  

So going back to my initial question -- where do I go from here?  Well, I think Brad & I generally have a lot going on in our lives...I often get asked "Do you ever slow down?"  I've found that this blog has given me an outlet to share some of the happenings in our lives.  I'm excited to share updates on our new house and stories as we begin this next chapter!  I've been told by a few people that I've inspired them to get up and go for a run, or to sign up for a race, or just to be more exercise-conscious in general.  I LOVE hearing that!  I love that by spending just a few minutes every few days...I can actually inspire people to change something positively about themselves.

So that being said, I hope you continue to follow my blog because as long as I have a funny, sappy, ironic or interesting story to share, I will most definitely keep writing.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, please stick around. After reading your mcm recap, I'm inspired all over again as a blogger and a runner. I can't wait to see where you guys go next!! :) PS mcm is seriously on my 'do we want to...' list of a possible second marathon. And it's all YOUR fault!!
