Saturday, July 21, 2012

Beach, Bike and Beer

This morning I woke up at Rehoboth Beach husbandless as Brad went to Richmond for a concert this weekend.  Came to the beach for my long weekend to visit my dad and was thankful to wake up this morning to 70-degree temps and overcast skies, meaning I didn't have to wake up at the crack of dawn to get my 6-miler in.  I got up, ate some cantaloupe and greek yogurt and I was on my way.  About a mile into my run down Henlopen Ave. en route to the Gordon Pond State Park, I see a man on the other side of the street on a bike waving at me trying to get my attention with a big smile.  At first I thought, who the heck is this random man??  Turns out, it was my dad.  Today's run included my dad as my personal coach.  It was the best.  He biked behind me, and then sped up and biked ahead of me, and every 10 minutes asked if I needed to stop or if I needed water.  (of course his asks were very tempting as I wanted to stop every 10 minutes, but didn't give in).  He would bike along side of me yelling "looking strong Annie, keep it up!" 

My dad at Gordon Pond State Park, DE. 
He finished his ride and I had 1 more mile to go.  I came inside when I was finished and my family was talking about my dad's "12 mile bike ride." Somehow he calculated all of his ups and backs and circling around me on his bike to be an extra 6 miles....hmmmm.....does that mean I can say I also ran more than 6?

Right now I'm sore and of course the lower back feels completely locked up but we'll see what tomorrow brings in terms of back pain.  I enjoyed a guilt-free evening on the front porch with my friend/cousin Caitlin and a 90-minute and Namaste (Dogfishhead beer), and am trying to get my sore butt across the street to the actual DFH which is just minutes away from my dad's beach house.  Tomorrow the weather is supposed to bring sunny skies which means I'll be spending the day on the beach...and very happy that my long run of the weekend is complete!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, I love the support from your dad biking along with you as he cheers you on!! Hold onto that memory when you feel like stopping! Such a sweet father-daughter visual. :)
