Monday, July 16, 2012

5 miles...first "long" run

Brad and I had our first "long" run yesterday and with the D.C. heat wave that just won't escape us, it was gonna be a dreadful 5 miles. We had our friend Kristi from Richmond visiting and staying with us for the weekend, and she wasn't going home until Monday morning.  The motivation to try to run over the weekend was hard to find, knowing that we stayed up until 3am on Saturday morning drinking and chatting with good friends, and of course, with the darn heat.  Brad is much better at running through the heat and humidity...I'm quick to try to find an excuse not to run outdoors, but being someone who will only make it through these 15 weeks by following an exact plan, I knew I had to do it.  I know in about 5 or 6 weeks I'll look back and laugh at myself for trying to find excuses for not running 5 miles when my long run will be anywhere from 10-15 miles, but we'll deal with that when the time comes :).  So, we got up and went to a greasy diner on Sunday morning (to cure the hangover), and I immediately felt like crap.  Knew I had to run.  Running always makes me feel better whether it's a 2 or 8-miler.  Brad and I decided to run separately so I started with my run with 2 miles outside, and then ran straight to the gym where I finished the last 3 on the treadmill indoors.

Today I am feeling okay....great about getting through week 1 of training, but can definitely already feel the pain slowly making it's way down my leg (more to come in another blog post about my SI joint dysfunction in my lower back and the pain that shoots down my left leg as a result).  Taking it one week at a time!

We went out to dinner last night to a restaurant we'll be visiting and ending our long runs quite of our favorite pizza spots in DC...Pizza Paradisio. We meant to capture a picture so we could start our weekly photos of long run restaurant and beer spots, but we were too caught up in fun and laughter with our best friends friends Erin and Levi who live in Arlington and with our lovely visitor and friend Kristi.

One week's to 15 more! 

Pizza Paradiso, Dupont Circle

1 comment:

  1. don't forget to invite the other guy who likes pizza and beer after long runs ;)
