Thursday, August 30, 2012

You've come too far to quit now.

Wow.  I took a look at my training schedule this morning and realized I'm almost finished with week 8 -- that means I'm half way through training!  That went pretty fast.  However, then I sadly realized it's only going to get more difficult the second half.  But one thing I do know is that I've come too far to quit now.  I haven't gotten up early on my first morning of a beach vacation to do a long run for nothing. I certainly didn't run 12 miles by myself this past weekend for nothing (yeah I feel like the training is getting me in great shape, but...) bottom line, I'm doing this for an end goal, and that goal is crossing the finish line in 8 more weeks.  So excited!

Lately, some random things I've realized about running so often:

  • I've never slept so good in my entire life.  My head hits the pillow and within minutes I'm passed out and have the hardest sleep until my alarm goes off in the morning (I typically sleep through my alarm, too...)  I'm pretty sure I don't even move positions throughout the night.
  • I'm pretty much always tired.  Actually let me correct that.  My legs are pretty much always tired.  On Tuesday this week, 2 days after my long run, I ran 4 miles.  4 miles took me 55 minutes.  This is not a joke. I think that paces at something like a 13-14 minute mile...who knows.  I basically laughed at the fact that my legs just wouldn't go any faster.
  • I feel like all I do is run.  I know that goes without saying when it comes to training for a marathon, but my rest days seem few and far between.  I'm usually recovering so much during a rest day and then before I know it I'm running again.
  • I am eating sweets every day and I am loving it.  Cupcakes, ice cream, wine and beer has lately been a part of my daily diet.  Is this good for me?  No.  Did I have 2 cupcakes the other day and feel guilty?  No.  :) 
On that note, I'll be running again tonight.  6 miles after work with Lauren.  Then it's 14 on Sunday.  It will be a run to Pizza Paradiso in Dupont where we will consume lots of pizza and delicious beer.  I'm looking forward to it!  Until then, have a great rest of the week and long weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo halfway there! I remember when Ian was training and he was the exact way...everything revolved around his running schedule. But it is an awesome thing because that type of schedule does not last forever - only until you pass that finish line!!
