Thursday, August 30, 2012

You've come too far to quit now.

Wow.  I took a look at my training schedule this morning and realized I'm almost finished with week 8 -- that means I'm half way through training!  That went pretty fast.  However, then I sadly realized it's only going to get more difficult the second half.  But one thing I do know is that I've come too far to quit now.  I haven't gotten up early on my first morning of a beach vacation to do a long run for nothing. I certainly didn't run 12 miles by myself this past weekend for nothing (yeah I feel like the training is getting me in great shape, but...) bottom line, I'm doing this for an end goal, and that goal is crossing the finish line in 8 more weeks.  So excited!

Lately, some random things I've realized about running so often:

  • I've never slept so good in my entire life.  My head hits the pillow and within minutes I'm passed out and have the hardest sleep until my alarm goes off in the morning (I typically sleep through my alarm, too...)  I'm pretty sure I don't even move positions throughout the night.
  • I'm pretty much always tired.  Actually let me correct that.  My legs are pretty much always tired.  On Tuesday this week, 2 days after my long run, I ran 4 miles.  4 miles took me 55 minutes.  This is not a joke. I think that paces at something like a 13-14 minute mile...who knows.  I basically laughed at the fact that my legs just wouldn't go any faster.
  • I feel like all I do is run.  I know that goes without saying when it comes to training for a marathon, but my rest days seem few and far between.  I'm usually recovering so much during a rest day and then before I know it I'm running again.
  • I am eating sweets every day and I am loving it.  Cupcakes, ice cream, wine and beer has lately been a part of my daily diet.  Is this good for me?  No.  Did I have 2 cupcakes the other day and feel guilty?  No.  :) 
On that note, I'll be running again tonight.  6 miles after work with Lauren.  Then it's 14 on Sunday.  It will be a run to Pizza Paradiso in Dupont where we will consume lots of pizza and delicious beer.  I'm looking forward to it!  Until then, have a great rest of the week and long weekend everyone!

Monday, August 27, 2012

2 hours and 20 minutes is a long run solo.

Yesterday was another long run (I skipped last week's 11-miler) so I wasn't quite sure how this 12-miler would feel.  It also didn't help that I drank mucho vino and cerveza the night prior and didn't wake up until after 10:00 on Sunday morning and it was a bit on the warm/humid side.  I got out of bed and did what I do best....procrastinate :).  Made some coffee, ate some oatmeal and a peach, turned on Sunday morning Meet the Press and pretty much did everything possible to avoid lacing up my tennies.  Around 11:15 I finally made it out of the house and drove into Bethesda.

I am *finally* going to write positively about running (woo hoo!)  Mostly this is because I have zero back pain today and I am so happy I accomplished 12 miles....SOLO!  Brad started an MBA program and had orientation all weekend.  I tried convincing some friends to run with me for at least part of the run, but no dice (really, who can blame them?!) So, out of options I had no choice but to do it alone so I hopped on my favorite Capital Crescent trail and ran 6 miles to Georgetown and 6 miles back.  I didn't walk the first 6 miles...I just kept going and going and didn't want to stop.  I was also freaking out about T-storms that the forecast was calling for and the skies were looking pretty dark.  Ironically after the 2 hours and 20 minutes it downpoured so talk about perfect timing!

I was thrilled that the run had some scenic views, which definitely made it more enjoyable and made me think less about the mileage and focus more on some of the sights.  Growing up in the DC area, there are still so many parts of the city I have yet to explore.  It was fun to run down the trail and find out where it would take me and where I'd end up.  I ran to the C&O Canal and was able to see the planes prepare for landing.  Each time I run on this trail I go further and further and am able to experience new views and sights - it is actually a very exciting part of training.  (It's the little things that count, right?)  

As I was hitting the home stretch with about 3 miles to go I looked down and saw this.  Speaking of little things, who knew that a little inspirational message on the trail could really make you feel so awesome?  Who cares that it wasn't for me, I pretended that someone was cheering me on and wanting to see me finish!
As I wrapped up the 12 miles the only thing in the world I was craving was a milkshake.  They say chocolate milk is one of the best recovery drinks, so what could be better than a Potbelly Oreo milkshake (and a fat sub for some protein and carbs).  As soon as I got home I made my way between the couch and bed for the rest of the day and boy did it feel lovely and rewarding.  Yes, it certainly was a long and lonely 2 hours and 20 minutes, but today I'm feeling nothing but great.

Friday, August 24, 2012


Happy, happy Friday!  I've been neglecting this blog a bit, mostly because I don't have anything too exciting to write about since I haven't focused too much on marathon training in the last week.  However, despite the back pain I decided to suck it up and hop back on the training schedule and attempt 6 miles last night on the Capital Crescent trail with my girlfriend, Lauren.  It was a great run!  A perfectly cool night for running.  And I'm SO happy to say that I have *no* pain today.  Keep your fingers crossed for me.  The main reason I wanted to knock out 6 last night was to see if I'd be pain free to do a long run this weekend.  12-miles it is...all by Brad will be in MBA orientation all weekend.

I really don't mind running by myself...even though 12 miles will probably feel awfully long and lonely...but I really do enjoy the time to myself - taking stretch and Goo breaks throughout the run.  And of course, I'll likely reward myself with a beer at a Bethesda bar afterward.  There's no way I could do 12-miles without beer at the finish!  

Hopefully I'll have more to write about after my long run this weekend (especially if the forecast holds true with all this rain they are calling for, ugh).

Happy running and weekend!

Capital Crescent Trail Tunnel

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Press On.

It's been about a week since I have blogged because I haven't been running.  However, I've continued to listen to my father-in-law's 2 most famous words: Press On. When life gets crazy or you feel discouraged, press on.  Keep going.  Keep focused on the end goal. Don't give up. 

I start this post with this phrase because I'm trying to stay positive. I ran 5 miles on Friday and missed my 11 miler over the weekend.  I haven't run because my back has been hurting a lot and the pain continues to travel down into my left leg into my foot.  I keep doubting that I'm supposed to be running this much and keep thinking that my body is trying to tell me stop.  I'm taking everyday as it comes and as Brad keeps telling me, if I miss one run (even one long run) it's not the end of the world.  What matters most is your health, and nothing should come before that.

I really want to run this marathon.  I know if I'm behind a few runs I haven't undone all of the training I've completed up until now. (even though I have Type-A tendencies when it comes to running and following the exact training plan...)  Last year Brad trained so hard for the Marine Corps Marathon.  The night before the race he came down with flu symptoms and a fever.  I desperately tried to convince him out of running the race but of course he didn't listen.  But I get it now.  When you set your mind to a large goal...a goal that you prepare so long for, you don't want anything to get in the way of obtaining it.

No one ever said this training would be easy (it's far from easy).  They just promised it would be worth it.  I hope I'm able to do this race and that this is all worth it in the end.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Have you been to a chiropractor?

Happy hump day everyone!  I'm sitting at work reminding myself to get out of my chair and walk around every half hour.  Why?  Because my lower back pain has returned!  I knew it was just a matter of time until my sacroiliac (SI) joint flared up.  After the 10 miles on Saturday I was feeling great, until I decided to attempt speed work on Monday evening.  (apparently you're not supposed to do speed work right after a long run...oops.)  I guess the speed which ultimately changes your running form was not good to my back.  That night I knew the pain had come back....stiff lower back and pain shooting down my left leg into my foot.  It sucks.  I've been switching from ice to heat and taking lots of Advil.  I can't feel sorry for myself because as long as I keep running this will be an issue I'll have to deal with.  Apparently SI joint dysfunction also flares up with pregnancy...can't wait to look forward to having this pain for 9 months when that happens!  

Here is a photo of where the SI joint is located.  Most of my pain is located at the bottom of my tailbone, primarily on my left side with the pain radiating down into my left quad with sporadic pain shooting down into my foot.  The SI joint is supposed to provide movement, but apparently the slamming effect that running has on your body causes the joint to get stuck or "locked" which causes the rest of the body to flip out and the surrounding muscles to spasm.  

I've found much relief by seeing a chiropractor whenever I have a flare up.  If you're not familiar, a chiropractor is a trained health professional who uses a variety of non-surgical treatments such as spinal manipulations and mobilization to treat patients with lower back pain, like mine.  I was a little hesitant about visiting one when I started going about 6 months ago, but I've found that it at least released some of the built up tension in my lower back.  There is considerable evidence that spinal manipulation can help relieve some types of neck and back pain, but this type of manipulation can be viewed as dangerous.  Have you used a chiropractor before, and what are your thoughts?  I think most importantly you should trust your chiro. I would never let a chiro realign me if I didn't feel like he knew what he was doing or if other patients didn't have good things to say about him when I was doing my research beforehand.  

Some people think the most disturbing thing about chiropractic care is that it continues to isolate itself from the mainstream of the health care community.  My mom is a registered nurse and we had a conversation about chiropractors this morning.  She was talking to her 2 friends at the beach last week who are also nurses and they all agreed that they would never visit a chiro and they'd prefer a more mainstream method of alleviating back pain, such as physical therapy or an orthopedic doctor.  

So far, my experience has been all positive and I continue to go back.  Every time my spine is realigned it releases endorphins and I start to feel at least a little bit better over time.  I know there are a lot of runners who are also going through the same back pain and I wonder how many prefer a holistic healing approach such as chiropractic care, or prefer more conventional treatments?

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Some (long runs) are better than others.

....this is what Brad has always told me.  Some long runs will be awesome, and some will just suck.  This blog post is to talk about the latter; with the exception of a nice ending -- a cold ocean to soak our sore feet.  

Ending week 5 of marathon training: 10 miles on the last day of vacation in Ocean City, MD.
End of 10 miler on the beach.
We had a great week at the beach with our families and am happy that we stayed on track with training (with Brad as my "coach" of course we didn't slack off with running...) After the 8 miler last Saturday we ran 8 more miles during the week and finished with another long run.  Initially we planned to do the long run on Friday morning so we could enjoy Saturday, our last day of vacation and not have to wake up early.  The alarm went off on Friday at 7:30 and I knew my legs weren't ready, and I certainly wasn't about to get out of bed that early if I didn't have to.  We put off the run and had no other choice but to do it on Saturday morning since we were visiting our friends, the Howell's, at their new house until Sunday.  It was a cloudy, misty and (another) very humid morning on Saturday.  They were calling for T-storms and thankfully we made it home right before the down pour.  Knowing we had to run 10 miles and there are no trails in OC, our options were pretty limited.  We ran through the back roads of OC and made our way up to Delaware and ran along Coastal Highway 5 miles up to South Bethany Beach and 5 mi back.

Why this run particularly sucked:  hot, muggy, one long, endless, non-scenic road with lots of traffic, no sunblock, no hat, miserable chaffing, and finished my water half-way through the run.  As we turned around at mile 5 to make our way back there was very little motivation left in me.  I'm not sure what got me through the last half except knowing how bad I wanted the run to be over, how much I wanted to jump into the ocean to cool off, and singing the 12 days of Christmas...something my brother does during his triathlons and suggested I try (only I forgot most of the words...)  So, I just kept running until it was over. Mile 9 to 10 felt like it was a 5K, not one mile (isn't the last mile always the worst??)
The endless road to Bethany Beach.
I'll stop being a debbie-downer for now and focus on some of positives (and why I DO still enjoy long runs...)
- I finished 10-miles and today I'm not sore at all.  I'm finally feeling in shape and feel like my body is adjusting to the training schedule.  
- There is nothing better than throwing off your running shoes and socks and sticking your sore legs into an ice cold ocean and feeling the sand through your toes.
- My mom was waiting for us at the condo and made us a killer post-run breakfast of bagels, eggs with ham, cantaloupe, and some throw-back Sunny-D.  She even left us a little note (on a napkin) taped to the door of the condo that read "Yeah you did it!" for when we got back.

And that just about wraps up week 5 of marathon training.  B and I just got back from Whole Foods and stocked up on some healthy foods to get us through the week including fresh peaches, brown rice, beans, ingredients for my mother-in-law's gazpacho recipe, quinoa pasta, frozen berries for smoothies, greek yogurt, trail mix, and granola.  I also snuck in a huge fat cookie (double cookie with creme in the middle) from their bakery and am sitting here eating it while I blog and feel zero guilt....oh I love you, running.

   I'm happy I've made it through another week of training...1/3 of the way there!  

The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination.
- Tommy Lasorda

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Will run in ridiculous heat for sushi and dessert.

Today is our first morning of vacation in Rehoboth Beach, DE and we spent it running 8 miles.  Setting an alarm for 6:15 on your first morning of vacation and actually getting out of bed at that time isn't exactly what I would call ideal for vacation but once we finished it was worth it.  We are staying in a lovely home with Brad's family and by 7:00 this morning we were up eating breakfast and getting ready to head out for a long run on the Lewes bike trail.  My father-in-law joked and said this marathon training must have changed me as he can't remember the last time I was awake this early on vacation and motivated to run...let alone 8 miles.  I definitely do not disagree.
........and we're off

Lewes, DE trail
So about the was hot...disgustingly hot.  Probably the hottest run that I've had yet during my training schedule.  The majority of the trail was shaded but it took almost a mile to get to the head, and by 7:30 the humidity had already kicked in.  I wasn't a happy runner today.  It was definitely not an enjoyable run and we paced at about an 11-mile mile (obviously not Brad's decision, lol).  The best part during the 8 miles were the breaks that we took and the nature we were able to enjoy along the way, including these adorable fawn that were only about 5 ft away from us.  
I started feeling a little tired at mile 6.5 and my lungs started hurting again (see last post).  Every time I breathed in I could feel a sharp pain, so I stopped and walked and then it'd feel better and go away.  The pain since this morning has subsided so I'm thinking it's probably muscular related and my lungs basically hating me.

So what was our motivation to keep going during this ridiculously hot and long run?  Knowing that we were burning off a ton of calories so we could PIG OUT at an amazing dinner at our favorite sushi place tonight.
 Every summer when we vacation with Brad's family we celebrate his sister's birthday at Stingray.  Everyone that goes to Stingray says it's the best sushi they've ever had.  They are known for this roll: HAIRY MEXICAN:  fried shrimp, avocado, spicy sauce inside, topped with crabstick + eel sauce.  We always order enough sushi for the table and then end up ordering more because it's that good.  Another tradition we have at Stingray is ordering 1 of very dessert on the menu.  When they bring all the desserts to the table we each have 1 in front of us, enjoy it for about 30 seconds, and then pass it on clockwise around the table so we get to try all of them.  I'm pretty sure I overcompensated for running today and ate my calories in sushi and dessert.  And that is why I run. :)

Family at Stingray.
We're back at the house laying on the couch full from dinner and about to go to bed at 10:00 after a hot but rewarding long run, delicious sushi, and endless dessert. Vacation at it's best.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A (very minor) bump in the road

I hope everyone is having a great week!  I had a nice (and fast!) 3-mile run with my childhood friend Lauren on Tuesday night and yesterday was my rest day (and yes, I was asleep by's inevitable that I'm turning into Brad during marathon training).  Laur and I been meeting up weekly at the Capital Crescent trail in Bethesda and it makes the runs so much more fun when you can do it with someone.  

So you're probably wondering what is the minor bump in the road and what is this post going to be about? Surprisingly (and thankfully enough), it's not my lower back!  FYI - about a year ago after really bad back pain following every run the doctor told me I have something called SI Joint Dysfunction which basically is the sacroiliac joint (which is next to the bottom of the spine) locking up after runs, which causes muscle spams and pain down my left leg and an insane stiff and painful  Anyway, I don't want to get too into it because I'm happy to say that the SI joint hasn't been causing me any pain during this training (woo hoo!) . I think it's mostly because I've been icing after every run, which is likely reducing the swelling.

So anyway, onto another annoying pain that I've been having that isn't related to the back... All week I've had this crappy feeling in my esophageal area.  Whenever I breath in it it feels like a sharp stabbing sensation.  Now whenever I eat I can feel whatever it is that I'm eating hit the esophagus and it feels like razor blades.  At first I was a little worried that maybe I pulled something in my chest during one of my runs, as I've never had a pain like this before.  The more I read online the more I think it's heartburn, which apparently can be caused by running.  Has anyone ever heard of this before - running causing heartburn?  I've never experienced acid reflux or heartburn really ever before...I don't go overboard on acidic foods limiting myself to a cup of coffee a day, rarely drink soda and hardly eat anything too spicy or fried.  So the only thing I can think of is that this pain is actually heartburn and it's caused from running...which is super odd.  Anyway, I'm going to run tonight and see how the pain feels and hope it's not bad enough that I need to stop.  I'm also giving the doctor a visit tomorrow to see what he has to say.  I am envisioning the beer, no coffee, no spicy foods, blah blah.  But let's hope that's not the case.

The main reason I need to go see a Dr. is because we're on vacation next week.  Saturday morning we're off to (one of my all-time favorite places), Rehoboth Beach for half of the week with my in-laws  and then to Ocean City, MD for the second half with my mom, brother Nick, and our family friends. I can't wait as this is one of the trips that I look forward to most every summer.

Finally, lately I've found myself being very into motivational signs, quotes and phrases and sometimes they are what go through my head while I run.  I leave you with this one...simply because it makes me happy about being a runner and if you run, it should make you happy too.