Hello my fellow blog readers! I know, I totally owe you a 26.2 recap from the Marine Corps Marathon on Sunday and I promise to get to it very soon! I've been spending the past few days hunkering down during Hurricane Sandy, recovering some VERY sore muscles, trying to soak in/process all of my first marathon experience, and focusing on another big thing we have going on in our life right now - buying our first home! I do just want to say that Sunday was truly an unforgettable experience and I can't wait to share all of the details!
Check back shortly! In the meantime...I think this picture captures just how pumped up I was for (most) of the race and I am still floating on Cloud 9!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Twas the night before MCM...
Yesterday we went to the expo and can you tell that this clearly wasn't Brad's first expo experience and I was just a tad more excited than him? :)
![]() |
#1772 and #21211 :) |
Best sign, hands down. |
I got my outfit ready, my GU and shot blocks packed into my belt, my clothes to change into after I'm SOAKED...I am ready. So tonight, while some of my friends are out partying for Halloween and there are a handful of other things I could be doing with my Saturday night and 5 hours of my Sunday morning tomorrow, I'm focusing on why I signed up for this race in the first place. Nothing will compare to the feeling of crossing that finish line tomorrow. I am ready to say that I personally challenged myself to finishing something as difficult as a marathon.
Of course, I want to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who followed along with me, cheered me on, supported me through this whole training program, and who provided me with confidence through an injury and to finish this race. From the text messages, to cards, to thoughtful gifts, to asking about my long runs, to simply just caring, every single little thing has made a difference. You might not know this, but your support has gotten me through this and this certainly isn't something I could have done on my own. I can't wait to see so many of you tomorrow!! And for those of you who I don't personally know who have also followed my blog, you have inspired me through your own marathon experience and have given me hope that I can also do this!
Every marathon I've been to as a spectator, I've stood on the sidelines cheering on my husband thinking, "wow...I wonder what it would be like to run this?" Over time from watching all of these races and from being so inspired by Brad, I finally decided to give it a try. Tomorrow may be one of the hardest and most challenging goals that I ever accomplish. But I've learned that relying on training, being focused, having faith, confidence, and support, I'll get through this and I will reach my goal. I'll no longer have to wonder what it feels like to finish a marathon, because I will be a marathoner.
"I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement. It's a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible."
Let's do this.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Why am I doing this???
I'm not gonna lie. 2 days out from MCM and I am consumed with self-doubt. I haven't run a long run in 3 weeks and I'm questioning myself and doubting whether I have done enough training. Why am I doing this? Why do I think I have trained enough to finish this? How will I ever get through 26 miles? These are the little voices going through my head today.
Tonight we're going to the expo and I hope it brings me back to a state of being focused and excited. I've always had a competitive spirit and I have never signed up for a race and not loved it. (well that's a lie....there was a 10K on Thanksgiving morning in 2009 that was 6 miles of hills and I went out wayyyyy too fast) but besides that I have always been on Cloud 9 after races. I need to keep telling myself that I GOT THIS. However right now, I feel like I'm going into something that is totally out of my comfort zone. What if my knee starts hurting at mile 6 and I need to stop? What if I don't finish? What if I hit the runner's wall? What if my nerves get the best of me and upset my stomach so much that I can't run? Do you see how I am making myself crazy?
Right now I'm nervous and fearful. I'll get through it. I just need to refocus and remember why I am doing this. I'm looking forward to being excited again and really hoping tonight's expo visit helps!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
We're not talking about Sandy.
The storm has a 70 percent chance of smacking the Northeast and mid-Atlantic early next week with gale-force winds, flooding, heavy rain and maybe even snow, forecasters said.
For today's post...3 days before the big day, I'm going to make it a lighter read and entertain you with some of the past texts messages that have been sent to Brad from me, over the past 15 weeks. Reading through these it sure is funny to see my progression and my how attitude towards running has changed, as well as some of the pains of running that I had forgotten about.
So, here we go. When I post the next time let's pretend that this hurricane has taken a different route and won't hit us until after 1:00 on Sunday afternoon. Please, Sandy, please?!
Running-related texts from annie to Coach B.
July 31 - My blog post got 105 hits today!
August 13 - #ImRunningAgain
August 15 - My back is hurting and leg has radiating pain. It's hard to even work :(
August 15 - Why are my feet so swollen (insert picture here).
August 15 - Running and walking now (and crying because it hurts)
August 26 - 8 miles...4 more to go. WOOF this is LONG
August 26 (post 8 mile run) - No beer. Milkshake instead :) :) :) :)
Sept 7 - Stress level from 1-10 mine is at a 12 so let's see what it is after 7 miles. A good test...
Sept 11 - I feel weak and tired from not eating enough calories yesterday. Should I eat a big meal tonight and run in the morning instead of tonight? I keep eating food but I'm so physically and mentally exhausted.
Sept 21 - I have a random question. Do you have that nip no rub stick?
Sept 28 - Damn forgot my running stuff today.
Oct 2 - I am celebrating (our soon-to-be new house) by drinking and not working out. I just can't do it tonight.
Oct 9 - F*ck my knee hurts like ballz.
Oct 17 - Knee hurts more today. #thissucksdonkeydick
Oct 21 (only 4 days ago....yikes...) - 2.5 miles in and knee is throbbing. What am I ever going to do?? : ( : (
Oct 28 - I DID IT!!!! (hopefully???)
It's going to be a high-impact event. It has the potential to be a very significant storm with respect to coastal flooding, depending on exactly where it comes in. -NBC News
Hurricane-like weather for my first marathon? Yup. But, I'm just not going there (mentally or emotionally) today. I'm not turning on the news and I'm not checking weather.com. I'm almost at the point where I'm not even checking MCM's facebook page because there are so many first-time marathoners freaking out like the world is going to end. It is what it is, right? I can't do anything about it so I'm not going to waste my time freaking out over rain and high winds (just kidding, I'm totally freaking out about running through a hurricane, sopping wet socks and shoes, blisters, wet iphone, wet food, no spectators...but I'm going to pretend like it's no big deal.)For today's post...3 days before the big day, I'm going to make it a lighter read and entertain you with some of the past texts messages that have been sent to Brad from me, over the past 15 weeks. Reading through these it sure is funny to see my progression and my how attitude towards running has changed, as well as some of the pains of running that I had forgotten about.
So, here we go. When I post the next time let's pretend that this hurricane has taken a different route and won't hit us until after 1:00 on Sunday afternoon. Please, Sandy, please?!
Running-related texts from annie to Coach B.
July 31 - My blog post got 105 hits today!
August 13 - #ImRunningAgain
August 15 - My back is hurting and leg has radiating pain. It's hard to even work :(
August 15 - Why are my feet so swollen (insert picture here).
August 15 - Running and walking now (and crying because it hurts)
August 26 - 8 miles...4 more to go. WOOF this is LONG
August 26 (post 8 mile run) - No beer. Milkshake instead :) :) :) :)
Sept 7 - Stress level from 1-10 mine is at a 12 so let's see what it is after 7 miles. A good test...
Sept 11 - I feel weak and tired from not eating enough calories yesterday. Should I eat a big meal tonight and run in the morning instead of tonight? I keep eating food but I'm so physically and mentally exhausted.
Sept 21 - I have a random question. Do you have that nip no rub stick?
Sept 28 - Damn forgot my running stuff today.
Oct 2 - I am celebrating (our soon-to-be new house) by drinking and not working out. I just can't do it tonight.
Oct 9 - F*ck my knee hurts like ballz.
Oct 17 - Knee hurts more today. #thissucksdonkeydick
Oct 21 (only 4 days ago....yikes...) - 2.5 miles in and knee is throbbing. What am I ever going to do?? : ( : (
Oct 28 - I DID IT!!!! (hopefully???)
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Clear your mind of I can't.
Today I am wearing a recent gift from a friend, a bracelet that says, "Clear your mind of I can't. 26.2." It's the perfect gift and a perfect motivator as I look down at my watch for the time and see this very important quote. Between yesterday and today I've had a series of ups and downs in which I totally think I have control of this marathon and know I'm going to finish strong, and other times when I'm doubtful and completely scared shitless. Yesterday I was sitting at work looking at the course map and scared myself silly. {{That will be the last time I look at the map I think}}. I mean, really, to think that I will be running in Clarendon, Georgetown, throughout the monuments and finishing near Reagan National Airport is just crazy. That's like....all over the entire freaking city and suburbs of the city. And if it's raining.....(I'm not even going there right now....) that will be just an additional challenge to face. Ok...I can do this...I can do this.....
Looking down at my bracelet again. I'm clearing my mind of I can't. And telling myself I can. I know my training won't let me down.
I can do this.....{I think?}
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
It's only Tuesday morning and I have a million butterflies thinking about 5 mornings from now. I really have no idea how I'm gonna control my nerves on Sunday morning. It's 10:15 as I type this...which means I should be a little less than half way through the marathon 5 days from now. I always wondered how I would feel this close to the big day and now it's here. I'm feeling a combination of scared, excited, worried about my knee, and confident that adrenaline will get me through the race. I have found it to be pretty awesome that the first thing that most people who see me ask these days is how ready I am for the big day. After describing to them how much I am looking forward to Sunday I think it takes only about 30 seconds before others pick up on my out-of-control excitement (and nervousness, too). I can get carried away but I don't think that's a bad thing.
My in-laws are coming into town on Friday from Pittsburgh and it sounds like I will have a huge support system at the race - friends from work, college buddies, running friends, and my Dad who is flying home from FL to watch. I am so excited about this - I know I wouldn't be able to get through 26.2 without these amazing spectators. I need to figure out what I'm going to wear (weather depending) so I can tell everyone how to spot me.
My knee hurts this morning but I'm not letting it get me down. This week is all about focusing, eating a lot of protein and carbs (and apparently sugars are good for me too..SCORE!) and RESTING. There's nothing I can do from this point forward. I've taken a break from running, I've gotten a cortisone shot, and I'm giving it my everything to cross the finish line.
And last but not least, I had to share a part of an email that my brother sent me yesterday. If you happen to know my brother you probably know that this type of message is quite out of character for Nick for many reasons. Not because he doesn't care, but because he is the tough big brother. The one thing I know about Nick, when you need his support in life, he is the first person you can depend on. I don't think Nick could have hit the nail on the head any more than he did below. Thank you to my brother for supporting me. (ahh, wiping the tears now....) But really, I hope I feel like a winner on Sunday as I line up at the starting line. It's not about getting the medal at the end (or the new awesome upgraded recovery jacket). It's all about the amazing experience that it has been leading up to now.
I wanted to see how your knee was now that we are less than a week away. I've been trying to read your blog from time to time and I can say this: if you don't end up completing the race, I don't think it will be a wash. Part of the marathon training--a big part--is the experience leading up. And during that time you've pushed yourself, challenged yourself and already accomplished things you never thought possible this time last year. And you can take that confidence to the next race. Or the next big life goal. So race or no race...I am proud...and I am impressed!
My in-laws are coming into town on Friday from Pittsburgh and it sounds like I will have a huge support system at the race - friends from work, college buddies, running friends, and my Dad who is flying home from FL to watch. I am so excited about this - I know I wouldn't be able to get through 26.2 without these amazing spectators. I need to figure out what I'm going to wear (weather depending) so I can tell everyone how to spot me.
My knee hurts this morning but I'm not letting it get me down. This week is all about focusing, eating a lot of protein and carbs (and apparently sugars are good for me too..SCORE!) and RESTING. There's nothing I can do from this point forward. I've taken a break from running, I've gotten a cortisone shot, and I'm giving it my everything to cross the finish line.
And last but not least, I had to share a part of an email that my brother sent me yesterday. If you happen to know my brother you probably know that this type of message is quite out of character for Nick for many reasons. Not because he doesn't care, but because he is the tough big brother. The one thing I know about Nick, when you need his support in life, he is the first person you can depend on. I don't think Nick could have hit the nail on the head any more than he did below. Thank you to my brother for supporting me. (ahh, wiping the tears now....) But really, I hope I feel like a winner on Sunday as I line up at the starting line. It's not about getting the medal at the end (or the new awesome upgraded recovery jacket). It's all about the amazing experience that it has been leading up to now.
I wanted to see how your knee was now that we are less than a week away. I've been trying to read your blog from time to time and I can say this: if you don't end up completing the race, I don't think it will be a wash. Part of the marathon training--a big part--is the experience leading up. And during that time you've pushed yourself, challenged yourself and already accomplished things you never thought possible this time last year. And you can take that confidence to the next race. Or the next big life goal. So race or no race...I am proud...and I am impressed!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
HOLY CRAP. It's exactly ONE WEEK from the big day. This time next Sunday (if all goes well with the knee) I will have already crossed the finish line and run my heart out. It was 4am this morning and I was wide awake...laid there for 2 hours and running was the only thing going through my mind (amongst a few other big things we have going on right now too...more on that later). Mentally I was ready to get out of bed and do.this.race. Had to remind myself I still have another week to go. :) Unfortunately the adrenaline was already pumping for two reasons - knowing that I'd wake up in exactly one week and be jumping out of my skin with excitement and also knowing that I was giving running another shot today after 2 weeks of rest.
Thankfully, I fell back asleep and as soon as I woke up I was ready to hit the trail. This 2 week hiatus has been too long. The orthopedist suggested I do 6 miles today as my training plan calls for 9. Considering I haven't run since the 20 miler, I didn't want to over do it and worsen the inflammation. At mile 2, the pain started and I was feeling beyond discouraged. (Pain was not nearly as bad as it has been been but still noticeable with a pinching feeling around my knee cap). I took it easy, slowed down my pace, and walked a little. Picked it back up and continued until I hit mi 6 and decided that was as far as I'd allow myself to run today. Mentally, I would have loved to do 10-12 today so I can go into the race next week confidently but I have to take it easy. (Finding a compromise between knowing what I want to do and what I have is quite challenging..)
It felt AMAZING to get back on my favorite Capital Crescent trail in Bethesda and to breathe in the fresh fall air. Even though it was a shorter run, as I was approaching mile 5 I felt like I was on top of the world all over again and got goosebumps just thinking about next week. Yes, it still scares me to think that I'll be running straight for at least 5 hours next week. However, there are certain things that I will and will not allow myself to think about when running long distance: how many miles are left or how much time I've been running vs. how much time is left. For me, the secret to getting through long runs is to break down the mileage into smaller increments - psychologically it's much easier that way so I don't psyche myself out. (For example after finishing 6 today I started thinking about how I will have to do 6 miles 4 more times during the race and then I scared the crap out of myself all over again).
This week is going to be filled with so many emotions. I know I've said this time and time again, but I can't believe my training is coming to an end and the countdown is at less than a week. I'll be providing details later this week regarding how you can follow me via text and also updates on the knee improvement. In the meantime, THANK YOU for following along as I take on this huge challenge and get closer and closer to running the Marine Corps Marathon!
Had to capture a picture of my last Sunday run before the BIG DAY. |
Friday, October 19, 2012
Let's just go ahead and kill this knee pain with some steroids.
TGIF! I visited the orthopedic again this morning and asked for a cortisone shot. The pain hasn't gone away (it hasn't gotten worse which is great, but has remained the same level of uncomfortableness over the past week). I went into my appointment and the doc asked if I wanted additional oral anti-inflammatory drugs instead of the shot. The answer? No! Let's just cut to the chase, inject this knee, and get rid of this pain! Bottom line, I want this knee feeling better and close to 100% by next Sunday. Giving me more oral meds just won't do the trick with such a short time frame until race day. So the shot? Didn't hurt so bad. Apparently a common side effect is discomfort after the injection and increased pain 24 to 48 hours after being treated. This usually subsides quickly. Right now my knee feels no different than it did this morning prior to injection. Hopefully I don't say the same tomorrow or by the end of the weekend. My goal: To run 6-8 miles by Sunday. Sure hope I can do it.
Other running tips the marathon doctor provided me with today:
Other running tips the marathon doctor provided me with today:
- Buy everything at the expo. A shirt, a coat, a sticker. Got to load up on MCM items as who knows if I'll ever do this again. (I'm sure I'll at least buy one thing...I'm so freaking pumped for the expo!)
- Run through the knee pain.
- I'll feel like complete shit after the race. Or maybe not. But chances are, I'll feel like shit at least for 2-3 days after. Everything will hurt.
- Try to run 3-4 days after the race to loosen up my muscles and joints. Even if it hurts, go out and do it.
And last but not least...
- Running 26.2 is like running to hell and back.
Cheers to the weekend and to a cortisone shot (aka my last resort for a painfree 26.2!)
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
When I take a moment to reflect
As I take a moment and break from the busy life that Brad and I are currently living, I can't believe it's mid-October and less than 1.5 weeks away from 26.2. I don't know how that happened. It feels like just yesterday that I was starting this training and was running short distances in the hot and humid summer heat. Now I'm approaching race day just shy of 2 weeks away. It's been an interesting experience not to run this past week. Since July, running has been my source of stress relief, time of reflection and rejuvenation and it's felt weird the last week to not run. All I want is to get out there and run to get the huge burst of energy that I do every time I think about doing this race! I am missing my runner's high.
I started realizing that the majority of my latests posts have been negative - woe is me and "I can't believe I have this injury" yada yada. I need to change the way I've been thinking and need some positive energy back. At the gym this evening I started to change my perspective and started thinking about how far I have personally come in this training. What is meant to be will be and I need to start thinking about this whole experience more holistically and positively - without solely focusing on the outcome (which I have been doing lately). I want to do this race more than anything and I know I'm going to do it. But when I start to get mopey about possibly running some of the race in pain, or not going as fast as I would have hoped, or not finishing the training as strong as I would have wanted, I need to keep everything in perspective.
Running has given me so much confidence and has made me feel great about so many different aspects of my life. I've never had a fall season when work is the busiest and Brad and I are both busy with social activities and graduate classes, that I haven't been completely stressed out. This is the first fall where everything feels like it has just fallen into place and I'm able to get everything accomplished without the stress. This is hard to believe, as running was a HUGE thing to fit into an already busy schedule. Somehow, someway, running has made everything else manageable.
I have so much gratitude for my wonderful husband...my coach. He has truly been my source of strength and motivation. When I've felt so discouraged the past few weeks about this injury and not being able to run, or when we ran 20 miles in the rain, or when I routinely put my alarm on sleep mode at least 3 times every long-run Sunday, it was him that pushed me. Without his encouragement and his ass-kicking every once in a while, I definitely wouldn't have made it this far. It has been such an incredible experience to take myself out of my comfort zone and to challenge myself to a new level all while having the guidance of someone who has been through this before. He understands what it is like to run a first marathon, to deal with a running injury, to cross that finish line, and to experience all of the emotions and accomplishments that are part of being a marathoner.
As I reflected this evening on this entire experience and how I have lost that positive energy over the last week, I wanted to remind myself by writing in this blog that no matter what happens, this has been an unforgettable experience. I am forever thankful to my coach, "Coach B" for getting me this far and for encouraging me to train for 26.2.
I started realizing that the majority of my latests posts have been negative - woe is me and "I can't believe I have this injury" yada yada. I need to change the way I've been thinking and need some positive energy back. At the gym this evening I started to change my perspective and started thinking about how far I have personally come in this training. What is meant to be will be and I need to start thinking about this whole experience more holistically and positively - without solely focusing on the outcome (which I have been doing lately). I want to do this race more than anything and I know I'm going to do it. But when I start to get mopey about possibly running some of the race in pain, or not going as fast as I would have hoped, or not finishing the training as strong as I would have wanted, I need to keep everything in perspective.
Running has given me so much confidence and has made me feel great about so many different aspects of my life. I've never had a fall season when work is the busiest and Brad and I are both busy with social activities and graduate classes, that I haven't been completely stressed out. This is the first fall where everything feels like it has just fallen into place and I'm able to get everything accomplished without the stress. This is hard to believe, as running was a HUGE thing to fit into an already busy schedule. Somehow, someway, running has made everything else manageable.
I have so much gratitude for my wonderful husband...my coach. He has truly been my source of strength and motivation. When I've felt so discouraged the past few weeks about this injury and not being able to run, or when we ran 20 miles in the rain, or when I routinely put my alarm on sleep mode at least 3 times every long-run Sunday, it was him that pushed me. Without his encouragement and his ass-kicking every once in a while, I definitely wouldn't have made it this far. It has been such an incredible experience to take myself out of my comfort zone and to challenge myself to a new level all while having the guidance of someone who has been through this before. He understands what it is like to run a first marathon, to deal with a running injury, to cross that finish line, and to experience all of the emotions and accomplishments that are part of being a marathoner.
As I reflected this evening on this entire experience and how I have lost that positive energy over the last week, I wanted to remind myself by writing in this blog that no matter what happens, this has been an unforgettable experience. I am forever thankful to my coach, "Coach B" for getting me this far and for encouraging me to train for 26.2.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
A quiet Sunday morning
Good morning. I am currently at home, sitting on my couch with a cup of coffee and a scone while Brad is out running 10 miles. (feels like the 'ole days). I can't remember the last time I wasn't up early on a Sunday and out running at this hour. I decided not to join Brad on his run today. I attempted a short run on Friday after work and made it to the end of my street until my knee felt just like it did last Sunday after the 20 miles. Not a good sign. I decided REST is the best thing I can do right now so I'm able to run 26.2 in 2 weeks. So until the pain is 100% gone, no exercise for me. I'll have to get used to this.
Right now rest, 2 weeks before the big day, doesn't seem right. I hope it doesn't mess me up mentally. I've been "to the training plan" type of person leading up to this injury. I have to keep telling myself that if I was able to do 20 last week then hopefully 3 weeks later I'll still be able to do it (+6.2 more...). I hate being injured.
I've learned: I have to listen to my body. I hate the fact that I'm sitting on the couch right now and when someone tells me I can't do something I just want to get out there and do it that much more. Every Sunday when I thought I would rather be home on the couch enjoying a morning of sleeping in and coffee, who knew that I'd rather be out there running. Today I will miss the runner's high and the amazing feeling after a long run - the feeling that you can take on just about anything.
Right now rest, 2 weeks before the big day, doesn't seem right. I hope it doesn't mess me up mentally. I've been "to the training plan" type of person leading up to this injury. I have to keep telling myself that if I was able to do 20 last week then hopefully 3 weeks later I'll still be able to do it (+6.2 more...). I hate being injured.
I've learned: I have to listen to my body. I hate the fact that I'm sitting on the couch right now and when someone tells me I can't do something I just want to get out there and do it that much more. Every Sunday when I thought I would rather be home on the couch enjoying a morning of sleeping in and coffee, who knew that I'd rather be out there running. Today I will miss the runner's high and the amazing feeling after a long run - the feeling that you can take on just about anything.
"The more I run, the more I love my body.
Not because it's perfect; far from it.
But because with every mile it is proving to me
that I am capable of more than I ever thought possible."
that I am capable of more than I ever thought possible."
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Quadricep Tendonitis
Saw the sports medicine doc this morning and he diagnosed me with: Quadricep Tendonitis.
Some information he provided on this injury:
This is a very common injury for athletes, especially runners. Quadricep tendonitis is inflammation of the quadriceps tendon. The quadriceps tendon attaches the top of the kneecap (patella) to the quadriceps muscle in the front of the thigh. Inflammation occurs anywhere along the course of the tendon, although the bottom of the kneecap is the most common place for inflammation (where all of my pain is located). The pain is often worse just after waking in the morning or after sitting/inactivity for a prolonged period (yes, this is very true).
The good news? This isn't a serious injury. It's mostly just a huge amount of inflammation in my knee cap region and my knee basically saying "F&$ you" to me for running so much.
The doctor (being a marathoner himself) said he doesn't encourage marathon training plans that have you do several back-to-back long runs. He said he prefers the "ping-pong method" which has you do a long run (16) then the following weekend a shorter run (7) then the next weekend another long run (18), then back down again and so on. If I ever do another marathon, I will definitely try out this method instead as it seems like much less stress on your body (and your knees).
Does he think I have a chance at running the marathon in 3 weeks? YES!!!! Wahoooooo! Seriously, so relieved right now. The x-rays came back fine. Nothing major, just a common marathoner's injury.
Meanwhile, while trying to sit patiently in the waiting room anxiously awaiting the dr's diagnosis, I saw this posted hanging in the room:
The 7 stages of a Marathon (during the race):
1). Ritual - I'm sure when I start the race it will feel just the same as starting just another long run (with a lot more excitement)
2). Shock - Yes. I'm sure I'll be shocked that the race is finally here after 16 long weeks of training.
3). Denial - "omigod, is this really happening? How the F am I going to do 26 miles?"
4). Isolation - Leave me alone Brad! I want to run alone! (yes, I've said this to him many a times on several on our long runs...)
5). Despair - Jesus there is no way I will be able to finish this....we're only at mile 17?! I can't do 9 more miles!
6). Aftermath = I can't believe I finished. Where's the beer!!!?!
7). Reward - I will be so, so happy and proud.
Some information he provided on this injury:
This is a very common injury for athletes, especially runners. Quadricep tendonitis is inflammation of the quadriceps tendon. The quadriceps tendon attaches the top of the kneecap (patella) to the quadriceps muscle in the front of the thigh. Inflammation occurs anywhere along the course of the tendon, although the bottom of the kneecap is the most common place for inflammation (where all of my pain is located). The pain is often worse just after waking in the morning or after sitting/inactivity for a prolonged period (yes, this is very true).
The good news? This isn't a serious injury. It's mostly just a huge amount of inflammation in my knee cap region and my knee basically saying "F&$ you" to me for running so much.
The doctor (being a marathoner himself) said he doesn't encourage marathon training plans that have you do several back-to-back long runs. He said he prefers the "ping-pong method" which has you do a long run (16) then the following weekend a shorter run (7) then the next weekend another long run (18), then back down again and so on. If I ever do another marathon, I will definitely try out this method instead as it seems like much less stress on your body (and your knees).
Does he think I have a chance at running the marathon in 3 weeks? YES!!!! Wahoooooo! Seriously, so relieved right now. The x-rays came back fine. Nothing major, just a common marathoner's injury.
Meanwhile, while trying to sit patiently in the waiting room anxiously awaiting the dr's diagnosis, I saw this posted hanging in the room:
The 7 stages of a Marathon (during the race):
1). Ritual - I'm sure when I start the race it will feel just the same as starting just another long run (with a lot more excitement)
2). Shock - Yes. I'm sure I'll be shocked that the race is finally here after 16 long weeks of training.
3). Denial - "omigod, is this really happening? How the F am I going to do 26 miles?"
4). Isolation - Leave me alone Brad! I want to run alone! (yes, I've said this to him many a times on several on our long runs...)
5). Despair - Jesus there is no way I will be able to finish this....we're only at mile 17?! I can't do 9 more miles!
6). Aftermath = I can't believe I finished. Where's the beer!!!?!
7). Reward - I will be so, so happy and proud.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Two days after our 20 miler and I'm feeling discouraged. The knee pain is still here and hasn't gotten any better. Today it even hurts to walk and I can barely make it down stairs. The swelling is still there. Tomorrow morning is my orthopedic appointment and I'm anxious to hear what he has to say. Here's hoping 3 weeks is enough recovery time!
In the meantime, I'm staying focused and remembering one of my favorite quotes (that I have hanging on a bulletin board in my office). It holds true for almost all aspects of my life, but certainly has meaning with this marathon training!
In the meantime, I'm staying focused and remembering one of my favorite quotes (that I have hanging on a bulletin board in my office). It holds true for almost all aspects of my life, but certainly has meaning with this marathon training!
Monday, October 8, 2012
Running Injury = 2 words a marathoner never wants to hear.
Running injuries suck.
Thankfully I am working from home today with my leg elevated, ice on my knee, and a bottle of Advil in arms reach. As much as I really hate to admit this, it looks as though I have a running injury...
Right now I'm totally a mix of ecstatic and crushed. Brad and I ran 20 miles yesterday....20 miles!!!!! When I stop to actually think about finishing 20 miles, it's hard to fathom that I actually did this! I put aside the pain yesterday, celebrated with a beer and some awesome food afterwards, napped with a smile on my face, and then spent the rest of the evening and this morning with a swollen knee and in a lot of pain. This morning I can't bend my knee and and am walking with quite a limp.
Following our 18-miler last Sunday I noticed my right knee felt a little aggravated so naturally I did everything you're supposed to do when a new pain arises - ice, Advil, foam roller, cut back on running and cross training instead, and REST (okay, maybe I didn't do very much resting, but at least I tried...). Long run Sunday yesterday came along and the knee pain seemed to have subsided, so I decided it was time to get out and do our longest mileage yet - 20!!! We got up the earliest we have ever gotten up to run and were hitting pavement by 6:45 (in the dark). It was calling for rain so we wanted to start early. About 2 miles in the rain started and didn't end until about mile 13. It was a very, very chilly and wet run. Around mile 4 I noticed a slight pinch in the knee but ultimately decided to ignore it. Around mile 10 the pain started getting more noticeable but was dull enough to keep going. By mile 16 I knew I should stop running but clearly my mind and my body were in an argument and ultimately my mind won. I really wanted to finish the 20 miles. Let's just say that by mile 19 I thought my knee cap was going to shatter. As I crossed the imaginary finish line at mile 20, I was unable to walk. Fortunately, there was a CVS nearby so the wonderful husband of mine quickly ran to get ice and a knee brace and from there I stumbled my way to the local Bethesda bar knowing that beer would at least alleviate some of the pain.
So today, I lay on my couch and feel so happy and accomplished about running 20 miles. If it hadn't been for the right knee pain, mentally I think I could have finished and run the entire 26.2. We took yesterday's long run on the easier side because of the pain and incorporated about five or six 3-minute walking breaks which definitely helped. I couldn't believe how easy this run was compared to 18 - it literally flew by! When I wasn't focused on the knee pain I was busy thinking about how what a difference one week makes in feeling more in shape. I never thought I'd be able to say that a 20-miler wasn't exceptionally difficult. Yes it was long, but it certainly wasn't my hardest run so far.
I head to an orthopedic dr. on Wednesday morning and until then I am praying that I haven't done anything detrimental enough to prevent me from doing this race. I'd be totally crushed after months and months of training to not finish this over such a stupid injury (I say stupid because I dealt with months and months of back pain and got through it, and if it's not going to be back pain that is preventing me from doing this, then I REALLY won't be happy).
Keeping focused on the positives....I finished 20 miles. 13 weeks ago when this training started I never thought I was capable of running that much. Just another testament to why I love this training so much. Whatever you put your mind to you are capable of accomplishing (unfortunately there may be a few major and minor bumps along the way).
Thankfully I am working from home today with my leg elevated, ice on my knee, and a bottle of Advil in arms reach. As much as I really hate to admit this, it looks as though I have a running injury...
You can see a nice swollen and bulged knee to the right of the knee cap. |
6:30 in the morning...excited about running the longest run of training so far!!! |
Husband to the rescue! |
I head to an orthopedic dr. on Wednesday morning and until then I am praying that I haven't done anything detrimental enough to prevent me from doing this race. I'd be totally crushed after months and months of training to not finish this over such a stupid injury (I say stupid because I dealt with months and months of back pain and got through it, and if it's not going to be back pain that is preventing me from doing this, then I REALLY won't be happy).
Keeping focused on the positives....I finished 20 miles. 13 weeks ago when this training started I never thought I was capable of running that much. Just another testament to why I love this training so much. Whatever you put your mind to you are capable of accomplishing (unfortunately there may be a few major and minor bumps along the way).
Celebrating with lobster roll, fries, an amazing Stout and mac & cheese. |
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
My body is not happy.
I didn't run last night and got yelled at by Coach B. I mentally and physically couldn't make my body run, and I understand that it's "Monster Month" but I needed a night to rest. I had champagne instead.
I went to bed feeling guilty. I know guilt shouldn't be what I'm feeling these days since I've accomplished so much already, but I still felt bad about missing a run. So...I set my alarm for 5:30, crawled out of bed and ran to the gym in the dark and in the misty rain. On the way there I chuckled inside and thought to myself, wow...this will never happen again once training is over. I am not usually a motivated morning runner, and...I've never in my life run to the gym before the sun was up. I ran 4 miles and felt like I was back on track.
My body however, is not on track. As I ran on the treadmill it literally felt like knife was cutting into my knee cap. Apparently this is a tight IT band related issue, which essentially is this (according to some Runner's World article): The kneecap pain after running is felt literally inside the knee, making you want to rip off your kneecap to get to the pain, but you simply cant do that. Yup. That's exactly how it felt.
So, I'm in pain today -- pretty much all over. My body is feeling the 18 miles that we completed on Sunday and another (what was supposed to be) easy run this morning. I don't want to be "injured" for this race so from here on out over the next 3 weeks training will be focused on foam rolling the IT band, stretching, icing, and seeing a physical therapist for knee exercises.
Found this comic in the NYTimes and thought it couldn't be more true. That's me in the hospital bed almost 2 weeks out from race day....
I went to bed feeling guilty. I know guilt shouldn't be what I'm feeling these days since I've accomplished so much already, but I still felt bad about missing a run. So...I set my alarm for 5:30, crawled out of bed and ran to the gym in the dark and in the misty rain. On the way there I chuckled inside and thought to myself, wow...this will never happen again once training is over. I am not usually a motivated morning runner, and...I've never in my life run to the gym before the sun was up. I ran 4 miles and felt like I was back on track.
My body however, is not on track. As I ran on the treadmill it literally felt like knife was cutting into my knee cap. Apparently this is a tight IT band related issue, which essentially is this (according to some Runner's World article): The kneecap pain after running is felt literally inside the knee, making you want to rip off your kneecap to get to the pain, but you simply cant do that. Yup. That's exactly how it felt.
So, I'm in pain today -- pretty much all over. My body is feeling the 18 miles that we completed on Sunday and another (what was supposed to be) easy run this morning. I don't want to be "injured" for this race so from here on out over the next 3 weeks training will be focused on foam rolling the IT band, stretching, icing, and seeing a physical therapist for knee exercises.
Found this comic in the NYTimes and thought it couldn't be more true. That's me in the hospital bed almost 2 weeks out from race day....
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
18 miles is legit.
I really can't believe I finished 18 miles on Sunday. It took....a really, really long time. My thoughts on 18 miles is that this is pretty legit....not only because 18 is a really far way to run, but the pain that my body is feeling is pretty legitimate too. How was I feeling when we started 18 miles? Nervous...I had a few butterflies...but then as we hit mile 4, I realized that mentally, I just wasn't into this long run. I had a headache from drinking one too many beers the day before at FedEx Stadium for the Virginia Tech game (and probably only had 4 total the entire afternoon/evening!) but clearly was dehydrated and overall felt really tired since I had been fighting off a cold for 10 days. Not a good way to start 18 miles. Brad & I also ran on a course that was new to me - starting at Shady Grove metro in Gaithersburg, MD, running to Lake Needwood (basically right near where I grew up), and then taking the Rock Creek trail from there to home in Kensington, and then 6 miles past home. Yozzers - this was going to be far.
The start of the run was a little rocky as we decided to hike through the woods to get to the head of the trail at Lake Needwood. I wasn't very thrilled with this idea of hiking up and down hills and going in and out of branches and trying not to twist my ankle to get to the trail. Really Brad?? I kept thinking. Basically, just did not want to run at this point. Thought about throwing in the towel. Wouldn't it be nice to be laying on my couch with a cup of coffee right now, instead of doing this? Knew I needed to mentally change my negativity and turn it into positive energy or I'd never make it. As soon as we hit the Rock Creek trail I was finally in my element and my bad mood changed (thank God). About 5 miles in, Brad's knees started hurting as they have doing lately when he slows down and runs at my speed. He picked up the pace and I was left to run by myself. This is actually something I've discovered over the past few long runs - I actually prefer running solo than running with other people. I've learned that during long runs I become very much an introvert - I don't think I prefer to talk and chat it up, but instead enjoy listening to my own body and thinking my own thoughts without having to worry about another person. My ideal long run is knowing that Brad is ahead of me so I'm not running entirely alone, but running at my own speed and being in my own little running bubble.
We got to our house at mile 12 and I knew a blister the size of about a quarter was developing on my right heel as my favorite pink running shoes are officially shot. If I stopped to walk or stretch, my heel would start throbbing so I decided to keep running. The long run involved very little walking. Brad decided to go back home to get the pup, so Myko ran the last 6 miles with us on the trail. I knew mentally I couldn't go home with Brad to get the dog or else I would never leave the house to finish the last 6. So, about those last 6........so mentally challenging. From mile 16-18 I'm not even sure I was a human. I kept running faster and faster because anytime I slowed down, every.single.inch.of.my.body.felt.absoltely.terrible. That being said, my body surprisingly kept going and going, but mentally I still am not sure how I'll be able to prepare for 8 more on race day. This training has been such a mental game.
But, I did it....I feel so proud of this accomplishment. I feel like I already crossed the finish line. We still have 2 more longs runs to go, so I can't get too ahead of myself yet - only 4 more weeks but at lot more running between now and then.
Regarding pain....I can hardly put any weight on my left foot. This time the pain is on the outer back part (near the heel) part of my foot, so I must have been underpronating, which basically is when impact forces are concentrated on the outer part of the foot. Ouch, it hurts just thinking about how painful it is right now. My knee is also in pain. I'm supposed to be running 5 again tonight after work, and think I'm going to pass on this run and let these aches and pains go away for another day.
And last but not least...here is me as I finally stopped running after 18 miles...4 hours later.
I did it!
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Lake Needwood - where it all began. |
We got to our house at mile 12 and I knew a blister the size of about a quarter was developing on my right heel as my favorite pink running shoes are officially shot. If I stopped to walk or stretch, my heel would start throbbing so I decided to keep running. The long run involved very little walking. Brad decided to go back home to get the pup, so Myko ran the last 6 miles with us on the trail. I knew mentally I couldn't go home with Brad to get the dog or else I would never leave the house to finish the last 6. So, about those last 6........so mentally challenging. From mile 16-18 I'm not even sure I was a human. I kept running faster and faster because anytime I slowed down, every.single.inch.of.my.body.felt.absoltely.terrible. That being said, my body surprisingly kept going and going, but mentally I still am not sure how I'll be able to prepare for 8 more on race day. This training has been such a mental game.
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Favorite running companions. |
Regarding pain....I can hardly put any weight on my left foot. This time the pain is on the outer back part (near the heel) part of my foot, so I must have been underpronating, which basically is when impact forces are concentrated on the outer part of the foot. Ouch, it hurts just thinking about how painful it is right now. My knee is also in pain. I'm supposed to be running 5 again tonight after work, and think I'm going to pass on this run and let these aches and pains go away for another day.
And last but not least...here is me as I finally stopped running after 18 miles...4 hours later.
I did it!
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